Commissioned by the Johan Franco Composition Fund of The Guild of Carillonneurs in North America
In-Visibility plays on a couple of concepts. The first is in the title, which naturally will be read as "Invisibility", but proposed to mean IN visibility. This was thought of in my research of the Carillon. The Carillon provides gorgeous music to all in range to hear, yet no one sees who is playing it, many don't know of its uniqueness and rarity, and some might not even pay attention. I liken this to our personal journeys to self discovery/self love; having this intrinsic desire to feel seen, searching for validation from outside sources, all the while with beauty and generosity beaming inside just waiting to be appreciated, to be fully seen, in full visibility. The second concept is in the story of the piece. It begins with the question, "am I invisible?" Through exploration of self, learning to appreciate who you are and what you offer the world, the journey to feel seen starts from within. This evolves to more assuredness in oneself until a fully realized version emerges. To me, this is what it means to be in visibility, seeing yourself for who you are, unphased by validation from others. In both concepts, I liken this to the carillon. Fully visible/audible, not completely understood by all, but unaffected by that, and still inviting to all the beauty it brings.
—Jasmine Arielle Barnes