Like the music one encounters in many Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols services, I decided to include Advent hymns/carols as well as Christmas, the idea being that the former leads to the latter. I intentionally used tunes that are seriously under-represented in carillon arrangements (and not all that well represented in any settings, truth be told). "Prepare the Way, O Zion" is a Swedish Advent carol, particularly appropriate to the second Sunday of Advent. "Hark, a Thrilling Voice is Sounding" is a grand, Anglican hymn appropriate to either the second or third Sunday of Advent. "Dost Thou in a Manger Lie" is the tune "Dies est laetitiae" from the 16th-century Finnish collection, Piae cantiones. The Christmas text is even older, 15th century, by Jean Mauburn (translated to English in the 19th century). This hymn is found mostly in Episcopal hymnals, and stands out as a particular favorite of mine. This piece is written for a somewhat high-pitched 3-octave carillon. When playing on a heavier instrument, I would expect the player to make some adaptations, and provided indications where the player is encouraged to play parts of the piece an octave higher. Feel free to make use of higher and lower bells when available. (I also have no objection, really, to people playing the individual carol settings separately.)
—John Gouwens