Suite in Popular Style was commissioned by the University of Michigan during Margo Halsted's tenure there as University Carillonneur to honor the Irwin family, longtime sponsors of the annual summer carillon concert series: Seven Mondays at Seven. It was first published as part of the series "Carillon Music from The University of Michigan."
Each movement is written in a different "popular" idiom, adapted to make readily playable and accessible carillon pieces. The first movement, "Ragtime Bells," is written with the relaxed, syncopated style of so many ragtime pieces by Scott Joplin. The lovely "Ballad" is more in the manner of a popular song. "Blues for Bells" is an effective adaptation of the playful syncopations found in the traditional 12-bar blues format. The final movement, "The Winners," takes us from the atmosphere of the smoky tavern to the football field, with a joyous march in the manner of a college fight song. The title reverses the syllables of the name of the Irwin family.