This composition for carillon was composed in January 1990 for James Welch, University Carillonneur and Organist, University of California, Santa Barbara.
The carillon at UC Santa Barbara is in Storke Tower, an impressive stone structure which rises high above the campus and the surrounding countryside. From the top of the tower the view is spectacular: the Pacific Ocean, the Santa Ynez Mountains, the lagoon at the seaward edge of the campus.
The carillonneur, in playing this work, is allowed the utmost freedom of tempo and interpretation. It is a reflective, impressionistic piece, and the ideas expressed are imbued with the unique sonorous and contrasting registers of the carillon.
The composer did not wish to make the technical difficulties of the work so enormous that the player cannot enjoy the sounds, "enjoy the view" while he or she is performing it. The moments of reflection are especially evident in the rests, indicated by seconds in the square boxes above the staff. The durations of the rests are approximate, in keeping with the general freedom of tempo throughout.
—Emma Lou Diemer